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Suncokret Dream
Your Holistic YogaRetreat on Hvar

3 min read
Interview with Nathan and Eduardo - Balancing Life with Joy Retreat Hosts
Dear Nathan and Eduardo, it is such a deep pleasure and honor to be able to welcome you back to Suncokret this September - and this time...

4 min read
Interview with Linda and Larry Cammarata - Hosts of The Mindful Body: Moving into Emotional Freedom
Hi Linda and Larry! We're so excited to host your first ever Croatia and Suncokret retreat weeks this May! Tell us a little more about...

6 min read
Sat Dharma - find the way to your real potential through rebirthing
Sat Dharma: Why am I here? On my last Reincarnation Therapy week there was one session I remember really vividly to this day. I was...

3 min read
Spring into Dance: Easter, Ishtar and Belly dancing
And there it is again, the figurine of an ancient Goddess, circulating on our social networks, attracting hundreds of thousands of...

6 min read
What to do when there are delays in moving forward with your life’s plans?
Last month I wrote about the 10 proven tips for a Balanced Year Ahead, which is a summary of the annual New Year’s rituals that enable me...

9 min read
10 proven tips for a balanced year ahead
I love the New Year season but not for the usual reasons. I don’t engage in partying (not in the traditional sense, anyway) and I don’t...

3 min read
3 easy ways to start living a path of wholeness and heart-connection using Yin Yoga and Zhineng Qigo
Summertime is a great time in the year to model a healthy lifestyle. So many of us are actively seeking new ways to engage life in a more...

2 min read
Keep Your Cool; Ayurvedic Everyday Tips for Summer Vibrance
Happy Summer Solstice everyone! It's the longest day of the year and things are heating up here on Hvar Island. In honor of this special...

5 min read
Relax & Resparkle, the true story of a woman’s journey into yoga & personal development, by
So what really changed? I fell gleefully down the rabbit hole of self discovery, self love, compassion and acceptance. I discovered how me
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