Suncokret Dream
Your Holistic YogaRetreat on Hvar
Calendar of Events
Scroll our list of dates to find the event that fits best with your schedule.

5-Day Breaks 2025:
5 - 9 May - Rest & Renew with with Martyna Szczabel
12 - 16 May - Rest & Renew with with Martyna Szczabel
19 -23 May - Rest & Renew with with Martyna Szczabel
26 - 30 May - Rest & Renew with with Martyna Szczabel
02 - 06 June - Rest & Renew with Samina Kauser - Sold out!
9 - 13 June - Energize & Shine - an Exclusive Event Hosted by PureBioenergy (details coming soon)
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6 - 10 October - Rest & Renew with Samina Kauser
13 - 17 October - Energize & Shine - an Exclusive Event Hosted by PureBioenergy (details coming soon)
20 -24 October - Rest & Renew with Evening Marie
3 November - 03 April - Short & Sweet / Rest & Renew with Evening Marie for couples and small groups, on request only.
7-Day Events in 2025: ​​​
21 - 27 June - Balance & Bliss with Tanja Novojevska
29 June - 5 July - Yogi Explorer with Bethany Demelza
13 - 19 July - Balance & Bliss with Mona Bektesi
21 - 27 July - Yogi Explorer with Mona Bektesi
2 - 8 August - Balance & Bliss with Martyna Szczabel
10 - 16 August - Yogi Explorer with Martyna Szczabel
18 - 24 August - Balance & Bliss with Bethany Demelza
6 - 12 September - Balance & Bliss with Tanja Novojevska
14 - 20 September - Yogi Explorer with Tanja Novojevska
28 September - 4 October - Flow & Write, a Balance & Bliss special event with a focus on creative writing led by yogini and author Mona Bektesi
"Suncokret, and both of you, have left us feeling revived and renewed; with a new perspective on life. It's impossible to capture the week; such positive energy; beautiful yoga on beaches, in ruined villages; Hvar culture & food (including "wild" parties in Jelsa); however what is and has been most special to us is the two of you. Thank you for sharing your joy of life and generous spirits with us; It was a truly unforgettable experience! With love & gratitude."- John & Andrea, Switzerland