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Introducing Mona Bektesi

Synchronicity is when there is a stream of events that occur inexplicably and simultaneously to form a harmonious result.

That is what happend when Mona Bektesi, a former Suncokret guest and certified Vinyasa Yoga Teacher, who fascinated me last summer with her mission to share the benefits of yoga via a stream of books she has written on the topic, contacted me to ask if I needed an extra teacher on board for this summer (we had already agreed to a collaboration in 2024).

Had she asked that question a week sooner, I would have said no. However, with the miraculous turn of events that transformed what seemed would be a rather quiet month into a very busy one, it was apparent that this was a case of divine timing, and so my answer was a resounding YES!

Mona will be coming on board to help co-host the 22-28 July Balance & Bliss event taking place at Suncokret in just two week's time. And, therefore, we are very pleased to introduce her to our readers.

Tell us a little about yourself; how did you get into yoga?

It was just by Chance. I had heard a lot about it and then saw an announcement for a class and dropped in. Ever since that moment, I was fascinated.

What was your life like before yoga?

I definitely did not feel strong and calm at the same moment!

What would you say is the one best thing about yoga?

It connects you with yourself, with your body, mind and soul, and to nature, to every human being, to animals, to the planet, we are just one.

What was your best class teaching / group event experience?

My best experience was teaching in Italy at the beach with a mixed group of adults and teenagers - it was such good energy!

Besides yoga, what is your favorite thing?

I love writing, hiking and travelling.

What was your favorite thing about coming to Suncokret as retreat guest?

I love Hvar and I love the energy of Suncokret, which is incomparable to others.

What do you hope guests will gain by attending your event at Suncokret?

I Hope they will find joy and love for their body, mind, and soul.

At the end of the event week, what is the one thing you hope retreat participants will walk away feeling?

Hopefully they Walk away with a feeling of ease and connection at the same time.

What are your hopes and dreams for the future?

For the planet, I hope that we will save Mother Earth and learn to live more peacefully. My personal dream is to write a novel.

We wish for this too, Mona! Thank you for sharing a bit of your story. We are looking forward to collaborating with you soon!

You can learn more about Mona and her mission to share the benefits of yoga with others on her website here:

And while this year's Balance and Bliss event is sold out already, you can pre-register for a Balance and Bliss event with Mona in July 2024 here:


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