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Reiki Treatment

Bioenergy Therapy

A beautifully simple, non-invasive, all-natural healing modality for wellness & health management

Bioenergy Therapy offers an alternative, holistic way of addressing the wellness of a person. Bioenergy addresses health, not illness, and can therefore help all conditions. It is a non-invasive, beautifully simple, all-natural healing modality for wellness management.


The therapy involves four treatments of approximately 15-20-minutes. Treatment involves the channeling of life force energy into the specific parts of your body, based on "protocols" or recipes for health maintenance. In most cases, a recipient will experience some kind of positive, measurable result during the first treatment, and by the 4th therapy treatment, positive, measurable results are expected.

Protocols & the Conditions

A "Pure Bioenergy" therapist works with pre-designed "protocols," which are treatment recipes, to achieve the best possible result in the shortest amount of time. These protocols have been developed with over a 40-year practice, so there is little guess-work on the part of qualified therapists using this method in the delivery of this therapy.


One of the method’s fortes is to improve health conditions that are deemed incurable without the debilitating side effects or the burden of extreme medical costs.


The method is also highly effective in disease prevention & recovery: quickening injury recovery, reducing stage fright, and improving peak performance, which is useful for athletes, performance artists, students, executives, etc., while boosting general immunity and wellness, on the whole.

It is useful for everyone and anyone seeking optimal health and well being, no matter their present state of being.


The therapy involves a daily consultation followed by the treatment itself, repeated for four consecutive days.


Case History

Evening-Marie is a certified Level 2 Pure Bioenergy Therapist. Since 2008, she has successfully helped individuals manage, reduce, or eliminate health issues connected to a variety of health & well-being disorders, including:


Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - Scoliosis & Back Pain - Irritable Bowel Syndrome & Digestive Issues - Circulatory Issues - Polycystic Ovaries Syndrome - Panic Attacks & Fear - Menstrual Irregularity - Cancer Recovery - Joint Pain and other Aches, Pains, and Swelling - Lock Jaw - Multiple Sclerosis - Dental Issues & Recovery - Insomnia - Canker Sore - Allergy (food, pollen and wasp sting) - Sprain & Joint Injuries - Sciatica - Hernia - Depression - Arrhythmia - Carpal Tunnel Syndrome - Emphysema - Diabetes - Headaches & Migraine - Sinus infection - Warts - High Fever - Appendicitis Recovery - Uterine Myomas​​

The Therapy Setting on Retreat

Bioenergy therapy can be done in person and at a distance. Traditionally, this therapy is conducted in a group setting as there is the added benefit of witnessing the healing of others while also experiencing your own results. However, most therapy sessions at the retreat are conducted on an individual basis and upon request only. Those who wish to continue with treatment after leaving the retreat can schedule distance therapy appointments.


Bioenergy Wellness Boost - 30 minutes, 40 euros
Bioenergy Therapy package - 150 Euros, includes:
  • 4 x consultation sessions to discuss the current issue & daily progress

  • 4 x therapy sessions, conducted over 4 days

  • Final consultation & recommendations for upkeep

"My head no longer has that tight feeling when I lie down or do Yoga, my eyes, though not entirely clear at times, remain cool and have improved greatly with respect to clarity.  The treatment, I believe, also helped to balance me, which I really needed...  It seemed to put me back on track, brought me back to my center." - Beverley, Canada (Bioenergy Therapy for Eyes & Stress)

Want to learn more? Watch this documentary about Energy Healing & visit the official Pure Bioenergy website for more info.

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