I've been following your blog for years now, and have always been enertained, inspired and motivated by the viewpoints, tips and open-hearted honesty shared through your writing. It's very exciting for me to have you become a part of the Suncokret dream and team! And now I'd like to ask you to tell our readers a little more about yourself; what else do you do besides teach yoga?
I am a single-working-selfemployedyogateacher-stayathomemum. I like to walk, and jog when possible, to get out in the fresh air and breath! And to create all sorts of random home sewn & crocheted things. From eye-pillows, to bunting, to tea cosies, often wonky and always made with love! Good food, friends and family, in person and on Skype.
One day, when Henry is a little older, I am sure I will ski again. Learning to ski as an adult really helped me get to the root of my fears, because I struggled so much it is something I find quite empowering now. It reinforces so many of the positive changes that I made in my late 20's, as well as being fun. And I love to garden, I just don’t have one at the moment!
How did you get into yoga?
I had dabbled a little in my early 20's. A few years later I went on a course where they did a simple warm up meditation practice. The next day a muscle in my neck went into spasm and I realised my body was reacting to the meditation! I looked online and found Kundalini Yoga. And have never looked back.

​​What was your life like before you started down this pathway?
Stressful. I smoked, and drank too much. I was not always very good at protecting my personal boundaries and at times this got me into trouble. I was always busy racing around. I had lots of fun too. I was definitely lacking in focus, without a true sense of purpose. My prana was pinging all over the place.
What would you say is the one best thing about your yogic lifestyle?
For me having Yoga is like having an unshakable faith. In humanity, myself, the universe. You. I never feel lonely, or lost, or lacking. Now when life throws me a lemon, I pop it in some hot water and use it as a cleanse! It might take me a little time to contemplate my lemon. Sometimes I need to have a moan. And then I come back to my yoga. It helps me adjust relationships, work, rest, wherever that lemon has come from. And realign with confidence. Always.

What else would you do if you had the opportunity?
I honestly have no idea!
What do you hope participants will gain by attending your event at Suncokret?
In a nut shell.... relaxation and a plan to co-create more of the good stuff they want in their life.
I hope participants will come have fun and simply relax! It is, after all, a holiday. The retreat will be filled with discussion, yoga, guided meditation and the invitation to journal. All aimed at helping everyone understand where negativity and stress might be holding them back, and how we can turn this around, create new positive boundaries and patterns of behavior, and manifest a more authentic and positive life. And have fun.
How did you come up with the Relax and Resparkle event theme?
My own practice is rooted in relaxation, and it is something I work with people a great deal with in my coaching and yoga offerings. Because of this experience I created a workshop for a wellbeing area at a music festival 3 years ago. More and more people asked for it, so it became an e-book, a class, a workshop. And now a retreat! It is such a huge exciting honor to have to opportunity to offer the concept in a full and immersive form. This week will contain so much more of the work that the more condensed forms of the theme have been able too. This feels like the opportunity to really deliver the whole shibang!
Is there any ideal way retreat participants can better prepare themselves for their retreat time with you?
It might be useful if they simply had a good think about where they want to create more space to move into in their lives. What is no longer working and what you want in its place. We will spend a little time looking at breaking old patterns and releasing stress, so anything they can do to build awareness of these things will help.

At the end of the event week, what is the one thing you hope retreat participants will walk away feeling? ​​
I hope participants will walk away feeling more aligned with their authentic self. Their truest self that wants them to be relaxed, happy and to shine.
What are your plans for the future?
I am hoping to train as a Kundalini Yoga Teacher over the next few years. And to have a ski holiday with Henry!
They both sound like wonderful ideas that will certainly bring about lasting memories! Thanks for sharing a bit more about you, Charlotte. We're so much looking forward to having you lead us through a truly purposful event week at Suncokret this coming August! Namaste!
Want to learn more about the upcoming event with Charlotte? Check out her Relax & Resparkle program details here