2015 Events Interview Series Part 1 - "Yoga for Heart and Soul with Daniela Dippong"

Welcome to our new interview series featuring esteemed colleagues from around the world who are coming to Suncokret in 2015 and beyond to co-host unique events in our space.

This week, we introduce you to Daniela Dippong, a former retreat guest, now turned yoga teacher and healer, to discuss her yoga path and spirtual journey which she will now openly share with you during the 21-27 June Summer Solstice & Lavender Event week on Hvar!

Tell us a little about yourself; what else do you do besides teach yoga?

Besides Yoga, I am also working as a Graphic Designer and Illustrator. I love to do Illustrations and little artworks in my free time, collect ideas, sketch in my sketchbook or just walk through this world with all of my senses wide open in order to absorb the beauty of everything surrounding us.

I also love to take photos, travel the world and learn everything I can in a short time, as I am really hungry for the unknown. That is why I am also taking a course in Reincarnation Therapy, where we do Rebirthing Sessions in order to get closer to the spiritual world and to experience our being beyond this physical body. Part of this course is also astrology, which I am really fascinated about as well, as it applies so incredibly well to my current life and experiences and can give a wonderful guide for current challenges in life.

How did you get into yoga?

At first, my back problems brought me to Yoga, because it gave me a huge relief from pain and it also made me relaxed after a long working day. But through the practice, I found that there is more to life than just working and managing stress and that we are spiritual beings having various experiences in order to develop our wonderful talents. I am grateful every day to have found such a powerful way to come closer and closer to my core and open my heart to all beings.

What would you say is the one best thing about yoga?

For me, it is the connection between between our human and our spiritual being. It is the reconnection to ourselves and the path to finding out what we really want in life (our life-task) and why we have come here. Yoga is the key to overcoming old patterns and a pathway to becoming mindful with ourselves and others.

What has been your best teaching experience to date?

My best teaching experience was when I surprised my students during a classical yoga class with some dancing at the start of the class. In the end, we were jumping around freestyle on our mats and in the room. The students were really happy, with huge smiling faces, and that made me really happy too!

What was your favorite thing about coming to Suncokret as retreat guest?

There is not one thing I can mention as my favorite thing but it was the whole program of that week, which made my stay there really special.

I came to Suncokret in 2012 and in that week I was able to heal from a really bad experience in my life. The yoga, the food, the meditations, the people, the sun, the ocean made me heal and open up my heart again. The island is just magical and I felt much stronger and closer to my core again after that experience.

And during that week, you (Evening) told me about your teacher Saji in India, where I went only some months later in order to do my first Yoga Teacher Training Course. So my stay in Croatia opened up a whole new prospective in life for me.

What do you hope guests will gain by attending your event at Suncokret?

I hope that I can open their souls to some new experiences during the week. We will not only touch the body with the asanas but will go much deeper into our spiritual being with meditations, chakra cleaning and a rebirthing session, where we can cross borders to an unknown world.

As for the heart, I hope, that our week will be a heart-opening event for the students, as I would also love to integrate some Yoga Dance into my classes to bring back joy and happiness into our life. I saw so many people change and transform during yoga retreats and I hope that during this retreat the students will experience that kind of transformation with me.

Is there any ideal way retreat participants can better prepare themselves for their retreat time with you?

There is no real preparation needed for my event. The only thing is to come with an openness of the mind and surrender to the experience itself.

At the end of the event week, what is the one thing you hope retreat participants will walk away feeling?

It would make me really happy if I can just look into the participants eyes and see some joy and relaxation. I would love to see some sun blessed, strong and healthy people, able to take back the joy and the warmth of this magical island into their every day life.

What are you most looking forward to experiencing as a co-hosting teacher at Suncokret?

I am looking forward to getting to know the participants and to become a member of that wonderful group during the week, to beautiful talks and laughter around the breakfast and dinner table, just to an amazing time with all of you…

And, to be honest, I am also already looking forward to the amazing food Stipe provides during the week with all the fresh fruit and wonderful vegetarian dishes!

For more information about this event, click here.
